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At Taylors Lakes Secondary College we strive to create a culture in which the health and wellbeing of students is central to the learning success of students.
We have an extensive Social and Emotional learning program that is supported by the College’s Wellbeing model, DET’s Respectful Relationships Framework and the School Wide Positive Behaviour Framework. The topics covered are:
Help-seeking, Coping strategies and Stress Management
Gratitude & Empathy
Personal Strengths & Resilience
Harm Minimisation
Respectful Relationships
Teaching of expected College behaviours
Linked in with the SWPBS framework, we ensure staff continue to build on their professional learning in the areas of student wellbeing, with an explicit focus on managing wellbeing needs in the classroom, building positive relationships with students and promoting a positive learning environment in the classroom to foster success for all students.
The College also promotes a range of community and national awareness programs to support the health and wellbeing of our students. These include:
National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence:
Vic Roads: Road Safety Education
Online E-safety
Victoria Legal Aid
Dental Van
Safe Partying
Pat Cronin Foundation: ‘Cowards punch’ education
Victoria Police: cyber safety unit
Brimbank Youth Services
Smashed Project: breaking underage drinking
Ed Connect
Western Chances Scholarships:
Each year we recognise the achievements of selected students with applications to a Western Chances Scholarship. These scholarships are awarded to talented and motivated young people in Melbourne’s West that experience financial hardship. Successful applicants are able to receive grants of up to $2,000 to support their education.
Student Support Services
At our college, we believe that every teacher is a teacher of wellbeing, a mentor who is part of responding to the care and needs of each individual.
All student support is managed across three Sub-Schools (Junior, Middle and Senior). A Sub School Leader and four Year Level Leaders (two at each year level) lead each section of the school. These staff members are in regular contact with students, who are accessible to them throughout the school day. At times, students may require more dedicated wellbeing support and the Year Level Leaders will refer students for further support as required.
The Student Support Services Team works with teachers and provides a confidential service for students who are facing challenging situations that are impacting their mental health and learning. The team is made up qualified Youth and Social Workers. The college also has partnerships with external services that work in the College once a week, who are part of this team. In addition to this we have a Health Promotion Nurse work with us two days a week, and work closely with DET Student Support Services which include social workers and psychologists.
Referral process
Formal referrals are generally completed by a Year Level Leader (YLL), Sub-school Leader (SSL), Assistant Principal (AP) or Principal however, students are able to refer themselves by approaching one of the members of the team.
All sessions are confidential, and the team is guided the legal obligations as outlined by the Department of Education.
External referrals
The wellbeing team member can work in a case management capacity, where they will facilitate referrals to external services/agencies. In addition, they will provide all the steps required to see a psychologist, which includes obtaining a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from the Doctor/General Practitioner (GP).
Additional support
If a young person is required to sit in a meeting with a representative from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Family Support agencies, Department of Justice or the Police and have an active case with a member of the wellbeing team, they can sit in on these meetings to provide support, information and clarity. When a young person has had ongoing support from a member of the wellbeing team, they can provide a support statement if an application for the Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) is being applied for.
Along with one-on-one support for students, our Student Support Service Team members run a variety of small groups for students identified as requiring support. These include:
Zones of regulation
Greater Girls
Better Man
Socials skills