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Students at TLSC have the opportunity to attend wonderful camps across years 7-12. These are a great opportunity to form new friendships and build resilience whilst experiencing new activities in some beautiful settings!
Year 7: Alexandra Adventure Resort - Whanregarwen
Year 8: The Summit - Trafalgar
Year 9: Kinglake Forest Adventures - Kinglake West
Year 10: Gold Coast Tour - Gold Coast Performance Centre
Year 12: Camp Howqua – Mansfield
In addition to these year-level camps, other subject and program specific camps and tours run, such as:
Overseas homestay tours to Japan and Italy (each in alternate years) to support our College language programs.
The Kanga Cup in Canberra to support our soccer program
The Alpine Food Tour to support our year 10 Sweet Dreams program
Various overnight camps and daytrips to support our Outdoor Education Program