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Welcome to our College website, providing you with a snapshot of life at Taylors Lakes Secondary College, along with current information and timelines. Over the last few years, we have continued to extend and update many facilities, along with continuing to develop our curriculum programs. Throughout this period, I have maintained a focus on the ongoing professional growth of our teaching staff with particular emphasis on instructional practice. The current enrolment is 1430 students and we ensure that our wellbeing structures provide the support for students and ensure an extremely diverse and exciting range of co-curricular opportunities.
The curriculum is structured to provide a vibrant program across all year levels. In the senior years we cater for students across a broad range of abilities and backgrounds with VCE, VCAL and VET subjects offered. We continue to develop and implement programs to improve retention, and provide students with pathways and opportunities to achieve successful outcomes and transitions from school to further education, employment and/or training. All students use their own computer in class, around the college and at home as required to extend their learning and engagement. Supporting students in understanding the responsibilities that come with increased computer access is also a focus of our work.
Of course, each student has individual strengths and challenges. Our Learning Enhancement and Advancement program (LEAP) commences in Year 7 and enhances as well as accelerates the learning of a group of extremely capable students. Other enhancement and enrichment programs operate and we encourage students to accelerate in individual studies across Years 10, 11 and 12, where appropriate. Equally we identify and strongly support students with learning difficulties and these programs are also outlined throughout the website. Our Football (AFL/Soccer) Academy and Performing Arts Program also commences at Year 7 right through to the senior years. I invite you to look at the incredibly broad range of co-curricular activities that students in this college can elect to take on.
There will be times when individual students need to be supported in many ways. We have a broad range of counselling and student support services available, including a fully qualified school nurse during the school day. A Pathways team supports students whilst at school and in follow up after leaving school. I have a very strong commitment to the view that I want students to come to school in an environment that looks and feels good – in which students feel safe and enjoy coming to school. I value the importance of the appearance of grounds and facilities. We have completed a range of building and facility upgrades over the last few years and will continue to upgrade and enhance our facilities throughout the upcoming period. There is a very clear expectation in terms of school uniform and how this is to be worn.
We encourage and value parent input to the College. The Parents, Families and Friends Association operates and works alongside the College Council to ensure parent and community input to our programs. I encourage new and prospective students and parents to contact us to take a tour of our outstanding local college. Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Danny Dedes
College Principal