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Taylor Lakes Sekondale Yevadzidzi Hutungamiri hweMhando inopa vadzidzi mukana wekunyorera imwe yematatu portfolio;

  • Kubudirira

  • Kunaka

  • Nharaunda

Aya mapotifoli anoenderana neCollege's Strategic Plan - zvinangwa zvedu zvese zviri pamusoro pekubudirira kwevadzidzi, kugara zvakanaka kwevadzidzi uye kusangana kwevadzidzi nenharaunda, uye ndeipi nzira iri nani yekushandira zvinangwa izvi pane kutyaira kwevadzidzi vedu. 

Vadzidzi vanokumbirwa kuti vapedzise fomu rekunyorera kuti vave chikamu cheiyo Mudzidzi Hutungamiri hweVadzidzi uye sarudza portfolio mukati mavanoshuvira kushanda.




Vadzidzi vachashanda nevashandi kuronga nekuvandudza mhando yemhando yepamusoro, kuraira uye kuongorora mabasa. Iri basa richava rekuuya nezvenzira dzekubatanidza vadzidzi veese kugona mune kwavo kudzidza, kuve neruzivo munzira magadzirirwo akagadzirwa uye akaumbwa zvinoenderana neCollege's Instructional Model, yekufunga nekupa mhinduro, mazano uye mazano maererano neongororo. uye kupa nzwisiso uye mashandisiro ekushandisa kwemaitiro nemabasa anoshanda kana iwo avanofunga kuti achashanda mukirasi. Vadzidzi vanozokumbirwa kuenda kumisangano nevashandi, kusanganisira Misangano Yevadzidzi Yekudzidza, uye kutsvaga maonero nemaonero eboka ravo kuumba nzira yatinodzidzisa nekudzidza kuTaylors Lakes Secondary College. Vadzidzi vanowana nzwisiso yezvinoitika kuseri-kwe-zviitiko zvekudzidzisa nekudzidza uye vachashanda nevashandi kuti vabate zvakanaka nhungamiro yekudzidzisa nekudzidza paKoreji.  




Vadzidzi vanozove nemukana wekuongorora data rakaunganidzwa kubva kwakasiyana masosi, kusanganisira mudzidzi, mubereki uye nharaunda maonero edata, uye zvakare vachashanda kuunganidza data neruzivo kubva kuboka ravo kuitira kutsvagisa, kuongorora uye kuita sarudzo nezve dzakasiyana zvirongwa, zvirongwa uye mikana inogona kuunzwa kuTaylors Lakes Secondary College. Vadzidzi vachashanda nevashandi kuronga zvirongwa, mazuva, zviitiko uye zvirongwa zvakagadzirirwa kuvandudza kubatanidzwa kwevadzidzi, kuvandudza kupinda kwevadzidzi uye kugadzirisa kunakidzwa kwevadzidzi kuchikoro. Vadzidzi vanozovewo nerubatsiro mukuburitswa, kuratidzwa uye kuchinjika kweSchool-Wide Positive Behaviour Support Model, uye vachashanda nemapoka evashandi, kusanganisira maSub-Chikoro Matimu, kugadzirisa nyaya dzakadai sekuenda uye yunifomu. Vadzidzi vachatungamirawo vezera ravo mukumisazve yeKoreji's Wellbeing Model, yakagadzirirwa kukurudzira kugadzikana uye kukura kwepfungwa.




Vadzidzi vanozobatana nemapoka avo pamwe nemasangano enharaunda kusimudzira hukama pakati peTaylors Lakes Secondary College nenharaunda yakafara. Vadzidzi vachatarisirwawo kuronga, kuvandudza nekuita Yemunharaunda Kudzidza Project mazuva ayo vadzidzi vanotora chikamu mune dzakasiyana zviitiko zvekuvaka hukama hwepedyo nechikoro kana nharaunda yakakura. Vadzidzi vachashanda pamwe nevashandi vezvikwata kunatsiridza nharaunda yechikoro.


Students will liaise with their cohorts and community organisations to foster links between Taylors Lakes Secondry College and the wider community.



Students will work with staff to plan and develop high quality curriculum, instruction and assessment tasks. This work will centre upon coming up with ways to engage students of all abilities in their learning, to have input into the way lessons are designed and structured in line with the College’s Instructional Model, to consider and to provide feedback, advice and suggestions regarding assessments and to provide insight and practical application of the strategies and tasks that work or that they think will work in the classroom. Students will be asked to attend meetings with staff, including Student Learning meetings, and seek the views and input of their cohort to shape the way we teach and learn at Taylors Lakes Secondary College. Students will gain insight into what goes on behind-the-scenes of teaching and learning and will work with staff to positively impact the direction of teaching and learning at the College. 




Students will have the opportunity to analyse data gathered from a range of sources, including student, parent and community opinion data, and will also work to gather data and information from their cohort so as to research, evaluate and make decisions about different programs, initiatives and opportunities that could be delivered at Taylors Lakes Secondary College. Students will work with staff to plan programs, days, events and initiatives designed to improve student engagement, improve student attendance and improve student enjoyment at school. Students will also have input into the roll-out, reflection and adaptation of the School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support Model, and will work with staff teams, including the Sub-School Teams, to address issues such as attendance and uniform. Students will also lead their peers in the re-launch of the College’s Wellbeing Model, designed to promote resilience and a growth mindset.




Students will liaise with their cohorts and community organisations to foster links between Taylors Lakes Secondary College and the wider community. Students will also be expected to plan, develop and execute Community Learning Project days whereby students participate in a range of activities to build closer links with the school or wider community. Students will work with staff teams to improve the school environment.

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