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Zvirongwa zveCollege zvazvino kuronga zvirongwa zvinotungamira basa redu kubva 2018-2021.  Zvinangwa zvepamusoro zvechirongwa ichi ndezvi:

  • Kuendesa mhando yemhando yepamusoro yezvidzidzo, kurairirwa uye kuongororwa kunatsiridza kukura uye kugona kwemudzidzi wega wega. (Kubudirira Kwevadzidzi)

  • Kugadzira yakasarudzika nharaunda yekudzidza umo vadzidzi vane ruzivo rwekuita uye vane rinoita izwi revadzidzi. (Kubatanidzwa Kwevadzidzi)

  • Kugadzira tsika iyo hutano uye hupenyu hwevadzidzi huri pakati pekubudirira kwekudzidza kwevadzidzi. (Kudzidziswa Kwevadzidzi)



Zvinoenderana neChirongwa cheStategic, Chirongwa Chekushandisa cheGore rino chinotsanangura zvinangwa zvedu zvegore, zvinangwa uye nzira dzekuvandudza dzakakosha nezviito, mhedzisiro uye zviitiko zvinotsigira basa redu regore.

Rondedzero Yedu Yegore kuChikoro Nharaunda inotsanangura zviitiko zvedu uye kubudirira mugore rese.


To deliver high quality curriculum, instruction and assessment to improve the growth and achievement of every student.

In line with the Strategic Plan, the Annual Implementation Plan outlines our annual goals, targets and key improvement strategies and the actions, outcomes and activities that underpin our work for the year.

Our Annual Report to the School Community outlines our activities and achievements throughout the year.

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