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Financial Report

Kuongorora  UYE KUSHURE

Kuongorora uye Kuzivisa

Kuongorora kwakaringana uye kwakakodzera panguva uye nekumhan'ara kunobatsira kusimudzira kudzidza kwevadzidzi kuburikidza nerutsigiro rwakananga, rubatsiro uye kuwedzerwa kwebasa revadzidzi, uku uchichengeta vabereki nevachengeti vachiziva nezve kugona kwevadzidzi uye kufambira mberi.

Kuongorora kwakagadzirirwa

  • ipa vadzidzi mhinduro pamusoro pebasa ravo kuti vagone kunatsiridza hunyanzvi hwavo neruzivo

  • ipa vabereki nevachengeti mhinduro pamusoro pekubudirira uye kufambira mberi kwemwana wavo

  • ongorora uye nekuzivisa pamusoro pekufambira mberi kwevadzidzi vachipesana nenyika-dzakabudirira zviyero


Mhinduro paMabasa Ekuongorora

Vadzidzi uye mhuri vanogashira inofambiswa panguva ino pamusoro pebasa rekuongorora kuburikidza neyakaenderera nzira yekuzivisa. Vadzidzisi vanotaura pamusoro pekubudirira kwevadzidzi mukati memavhiki matatu basa rapera, vachipa giredhi uye zvataurwa pane izvo zvakaitwa nemudzidzi nenzvimbo dzekuvandudza.

Ese mitezo yebasa rekuongorora inowanikwa kuburikidza neiyo Kudzidza Basa peji paCompass.


Kufambira Mberi Mishumo

Vadzidzisi vanotaura pamusoro pemaitiro evadzidzi mashandiro katatu semester, angangoita mavhiki matanhatu ega ega. Izvi zvinobvumira nguva yekufungisisa uye shanduko kune hunhu kana zvichidikanwa. Progress reports vanoshandisa Grade Point Avhareji (GPA) yekumhan'ara mashandiro uko nhanho dzevadzidzi dzekuyedza uye kunyorera kuzvidzidzo zvavo kuyerwa, zvisinei nedanho ravo rekugona kugona. Pfupiso yeZvese Zvinyorwa Zvekufambira mberi mukati menguva yemudzidzi pachikoro zviripo pane Ripoti peji remudzidzi wega wega.

Mishumo yebudiriro inowanikwa paCompass.


Semester Mishumo

Pfupiso mishumo yekubudirira kwevadzidzi inoburitswa kaviri pagore pakupera kwetemester imwe neimwe uye inopa ongororo yekufambira mberi kwevadzidzi ichipesana neVictorian Curriculum Yakakosha Kudzidza Maitiro.

Mishumo inopa pfupiso yekubudirira muchidzidzo chimwe nechimwe, kusanganisira yega yega basa rekuongorora uye giredhi. Chirevo chinosanganisirawo chidimbu cheZvekufambira Mberi zveiyo semester.

Iyi nhoroondo inowanikwa kuti utarise kana kurodha pasi paCompass .


Mubereki, Mudzidzi uye Mudzidzisi Misangano

Misangano yevabereki, yevadzidzi neyevadzidzisi inoitwa kaviri pagore, imwe kupera kweTemu 1 uye imwe kupera kweKota 3. Uyu mukana wekuti vabereki vasangane nevadzidzisi vevana vavo, vokurukura kudzidza kwavo nekubvunza mibvunzo. Ndiwo zvakare mukana wakanaka wekuti vadzidzisi vazive vadzidzi vavo zvirinani. Misangano iyi inobatsira kugadzira kutaurirana kwepedyo pakati pechikoro nemusha.

Kubhuka kwenguva dzemusangano kunoitwa kuburikidza neCompass.



Semesita yega yega, vadzidzi vanogashira pfupiso mushumo wemabasa uye mamakisi uye kuongororwa vachipesana nehurongwa hwepasirese hwekubudirira uye matatu Progress Reports. Vadzidzi vanogashira mhinduro nguva nenguva pamabasa ekuongorora mukati memesita, uye kune musangano wemubereki, mudzidzi uye mudzidzisi pakupera kweKota 1 neKota 3.


Accurate and timely assessment and reporting helps to improve student learning.

Progress Reports

Teachers report on student work habits three times a semester, approximately every six weeks. This allows time for reflection and changes to behaviour if needed. Progress reports use a Grade Point Average (GPA) reporting mechanism where students' levels of effort and application to their studies are measured, irrespective of their level of academic ability. A summary of all Progress Reports throughout the student's time at the school is available on the Reports page for each student.

Progress reports are available on Compass.


Semester Reports

Summary reports of student achievement are issued twice a year at the end of each semester and provide an assessment of student progress against the Victorian Curriculum Essential Learning Standards.

The reports provide a summary of achievement in each subject, including each assessment task and grade. The report also includes a summary of the Progress Reports for that semester.

These reports are available to view or download on Compass.

Parent, Student and Teacher Conferences

Parent, student and teacher conferences are held twice a year, one at the end of Term 1 and the other at the end of Term 3. This is an opportunity for parents to meet their children's teachers, discuss their learning and ask questions. It is also a good opportunity for teachers to get to know their students better. The conferences help to create closer communication between school and home.

Bookings for conference times are made via Compass.

Summary Report

Each semester, students receive a summary report of tasks, grades and assessments against state-wide achievement standards and three Progress Reports. Students receive regular feedback on assessment tasks throughout the semester, and there is a parent, student and teacher conference at the end of Term 1 and Term 3.

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