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Die Student Leadership Model van Taylors Lakes Secondary College bied studente die geleentheid om vir een van drie portefeuljes aansoek te doen;
Hierdie portefeuljes strook met die kollege se strategiese plan - ons doelwitte fokus almal op prestasie van studente, welstand van studente en betrokkenheid by die gemeenskap, en watter beter manier om hierdie doelwitte te bereik as met die dryfveer van ons studente.
Studente word versoek om 'n aansoekvorm in te vul om deel te wees van die Student Leadership Program en die portefeulje te benoem waarbinne hulle wil werk.
Studente werk saam met personeel om leergange, onderrig- en assesseringstake van hoë gehalte te beplan en te ontwikkel. Hierdie werk fokus daarop om maniere te vind om studente van alle vaardighede by hul leer te betrek, om insette te hê in die manier waarop lesse ontwerp en gestruktureer word in ooreenstemming met die onderrigmodel van die kollege, om te oorweeg en om terugvoer, advies en voorstelle rakende assesserings te gee. en om insig en praktiese toepassing te gee van die strategieë en take wat werk of wat hulle dink in die klaskamer sal werk. Studente sal gevra word om vergaderings met personeel by te woon, insluitend vergaderings vir leerlinge, en om die sienings en insette van hul groep te soek om die manier waarop ons by Taylors Lakes Secondary College onderrig en leer, te vorm. Studente kry insig in wat agter die skerms van onderrig en leer aangaan en werk saam met personeel om 'n positiewe uitwerking op die rigting van onderrig en leer by die kollege te hê.
Studente sal die geleentheid kry om data wat uit 'n verskeidenheid bronne ingesamel is, te ontleed, insluitend data van studente, ouers en gemeenskapsmenings, en sal ook werk om data en inligting uit hul groep te versamel om navorsing te doen, te evalueer en besluite te neem oor verskillende programme, inisiatiewe en geleenthede wat by Taylors Lakes Secondary College gebied kan word. Studente werk saam met personeel om programme, dae, geleenthede en inisiatiewe te beplan om studente se betrokkenheid te verbeter, studente se bywoning te verbeter en studente se plesier by die skool te verbeter. Studente sal ook insette in die uitrol, refleksie en aanpassing van die model vir skoolondersteuning vir positiewe gedrag bied, en sal saam met personeelspanne, insluitend die sub-skoolspanne, kwessies soos bywoning en uniform aanpak. Studente sal ook hul eweknieë lei in die herbekendstelling van die College's Wellbeing Model, wat ontwerp is om veerkragtigheid en 'n groei-ingesteldheid te bevorder.
Studente sal met hul kohorte en gemeenskapsorganisasies skakel om bande tussen Taylors Lakes Secondary College en die breër gemeenskap te bevorder. Daar word ook van studente verwag om dae van gemeenskapsleerprojekte te beplan, te ontwikkel en uit te voer, waardeur studente aan 'n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite deelneem om nouer bande met die skool of 'n breër gemeenskap te bou. Studente werk saam met personeelspanne om die skoolomgewing te verbeter.
Students will liaise with their cohorts and community organisations to foster links between Taylors Lakes Secondry College and the wider community.
Students will work with staff to plan and develop high quality curriculum, instruction and assessment tasks. This work will centre upon coming up with ways to engage students of all abilities in their learning, to have input into the way lessons are designed and structured in line with the College’s Instructional Model, to consider and to provide feedback, advice and suggestions regarding assessments and to provide insight and practical application of the strategies and tasks that work or that they think will work in the classroom. Students will be asked to attend meetings with staff, including Student Learning meetings, and seek the views and input of their cohort to shape the way we teach and learn at Taylors Lakes Secondary College. Students will gain insight into what goes on behind-the-scenes of teaching and learning and will work with staff to positively impact the direction of teaching and learning at the College.
Students will have the opportunity to analyse data gathered from a range of sources, including student, parent and community opinion data, and will also work to gather data and information from their cohort so as to research, evaluate and make decisions about different programs, initiatives and opportunities that could be delivered at Taylors Lakes Secondary College. Students will work with staff to plan programs, days, events and initiatives designed to improve student engagement, improve student attendance and improve student enjoyment at school. Students will also have input into the roll-out, reflection and adaptation of the School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support Model, and will work with staff teams, including the Sub-School Teams, to address issues such as attendance and uniform. Students will also lead their peers in the re-launch of the College’s Wellbeing Model, designed to promote resilience and a growth mindset.
Students will liaise with their cohorts and community organisations to foster links between Taylors Lakes Secondary College and the wider community. Students will also be expected to plan, develop and execute Community Learning Project days whereby students participate in a range of activities to build closer links with the school or wider community. Students will work with staff teams to improve the school environment.