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Taun 6 kana 7 Enrollment

Enrollment di Taylors Lakes Secondary College lumangsung saluyu sareng Kawijakan Penempatan Departemen Pendidikan (DE&T).


Murid didaptarkeun di kuliah ku kriteria ieu:


  • murid anu sakola nyaéta sakola pamaréntah lingkungan anu ditunjuk

  • murid anu henteu cicing deui sacara lokal, anu ngagaduhan duduluran di padumukan anu sami anu nuju sakola di waktos anu sami.

  • siswa anu milarian pendaptaran dina dasar kurikulum khusus, dimana éta henteu disayogikeun ku sakola pamaréntah pangdeukeutna murid


Sadaya murid sanésna diutamakeun ku kumaha caket tempat tinggalna tetep ka perguruan tinggi.


Sakola dasar Pamaréntah Victoria bakal ngaluarkeun Aplikasi resmi pikeun daptar Enrollment ka sadaya murid di sakola anu diiluan.


DE&T bakal ngabéjaan sakola ngeunaan garis waktos program Transisi sareng sadaya kulawarga di sakola Dasar bakal dihubungi. Sakali anjeun nampi sareng ngarengsekeun formulir éta anjeun kedah balikeun deui via Sakola Dasar. Prosés ieu umumna dimimitian kira-kira Maret / April unggal taun. Pamasukan kedah diarahkeun ka Sakola Dasar dina tahap ieu.


Aplikasi ti barudak anu henteu di Pamaréntahan Dasar atanapi sakola Dasar Katolik (Independent School Application for Enrollment) kedah diteruskeun langsung ka:

Enrollments, Taylors Lakes Secondary College, PO Box 2374, Taylors Lakes, VIC 3038.


Seueur waktos disimpen dina waktos ieu pikeun mastikeun prosés transisi lancar pikeun sadaya murid énggal. Penting pikeun urang yén urang damel sareng sakola dasar pikeun ngumpulkeun inpormasi anu bakal ngabantosan urang dina ngatur sumber sareng program anu pantes.

Unggal taun, wisata di Paguron luhur dilaksanakeun sareng waktos sareng Program Transisi Taun 7 sareng Kolot / Wali calon murid di Kelas 5 sareng 6 diulem pikeun ngiringan. Punten perhatoskeun yén wisata ieu nyaéta Taun 7 khusus sareng dijalankeun ti bulan Maret dugi ka Mei.

Wisata anu dipandu tina Kolej lumangsung unggal Rebo énjing tabuh 9.30 enjing sareng mangrupikeun cara anu hadé pikeun ngabiasakeun diri sareng fasilitas, lingkungan sareng budaya College. Wisata panjangna sakitar sajam sareng lumangsung nalika waktos kelas janten anjeun tiasa ningali murid sareng guru urang dina aksi. Ieu ogé kasempetan pikeun kolot sareng murid pikeun naroskeun.  Pesenan penting pisan.  Punten nganggo formulir kontak di handap.

Kanggo inpormasi sanésna ngeunaan Taun 6 - 7 Enrollment di Taylors Lakes Secondary College mangga tinggalkeun kami pesen di handap.

The DE&T will notify schools of the timeline for the Transition program and all families at the Primary school will be contacted. Once you have received and completed those forms you must return them via the Primary School. This process generally commences around March/April each year. Enquiries should be directed to the Primary School at this stage.


Applications from children not at Government Primary or Catholic Primary schools (Independent School Application for Enrolment) should be forwarded directly to:

Enrolments, Taylors Lakes Secondary College, PO Box 2374, Taylors Lakes, VIC 3038.


A lot of time is placed during this time into ensure the transition process is smooth for all new students. It is important to us that we work with primary schools to gather information that will assist us in appropriately organising resources and programs.

Each year, tours of the College are conducted to coincide with the Year 7 Transition Program and Parents/Guardians of prospective students in Grade 5 and 6 are invited to attend. Please note that these tours are Year 7 specific and run from March to May.

Guided tours of the College take place each Wednesday morning at 9.30am and are a great way to familiarise yourself with the College’s facilities, environment and culture. The tours are approximately an hour long and take place during class time so that you can see our students and teachers in action. This is also an opportunity for parents and students to ask questions.  Bookings are essential.  Please use the contact form below.

For any other information in regards to the Year 6 - 7 Enrolment at Taylors Lakes Secondary College please leave us a message below.

Patarosan ngeunaan taun 6 kana 7 transisi?  Kéngingkeun Kadieu.

Hatur nuhun parantos dikintunkeun!

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