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8:15 - 16:30



Vince Antonetti

Penny Earl

Peter Budisavljevic

Susan Strolla

Natalie Montalto










Liburutegia Taylors Lakes Secondary College-ko ikas komunitatearen zati bizia, inklusiboa eta erabakigarria da.  Irakurketarekiko etengabeko zaletasuna sustatzea da gure ikuspegia, segurua, zaindua eta atsegina izango den espazio erakargarria eskaintzea eta ikaskuntzaren aldeko giro bizigarria sustatzea. Gure liburutegi okupatuak baliabide inprimatu eta digital ugari eskaintzen ditu, gure ikastetxearen ikaskuntza eta irakaskuntza helburuak onartzen dituena eta aldizka ekitaldiak eta liburutegiari lotutako jarduerak antolatzen dituena.


Gure langileak alfabetatze digitala sustatzera eta ikasleak XXI. Mendeko ikasle eta pentsalari sortzaile, kurioso eta kritiko bihurtzeko ahaleginetan aritzen dira. Erdialdean kokatzeaz gain, gure liburutegia ikastetxearen bihotza da.


Infiniti katalogoak ikasleei eta langileei sarean liburuak bilatzeko aukera eskaintzen die, baita hezkuntza webguneen eta Gurpilen liburu elektronikoen bilduma komisarioa ere. Fikziozko eleberriak, ez fikzioa, irakurketa azkarrak eta eleberri grafikoak biltzen dituen gure bilduma zabala egokia da irakurketa maila eta interesetarako. Maileguaren epea hiru astekoa da, behar izanez gero maileguak luza daitezkeen arren.


ClickView linean irakasleek eta ikasleek junior eta senior curriculumarekin sortutako eta lerrokatutako bideo didaktikoko edukietara sartzeko aukera ematen du, baita kable bidezko eta telebistako doako telebistako programetara ere. NewsBank lineako albisteen datu basea da, albisteen artxiboa eta Age eta Herald-Sun egunkarien edizioetarako sarbidea eskaintzen duena.


Liburutegiak hainbat zerbitzu eskaintzen ditu, hala nola laminazioa, koadernaketa, inprimaketa eta ordenagailuaren erabilera. Langileei eta ikasleei multimedia ekipo ugari eskaintzen dizkiegu, besteak beste, bideo digitala eta argazki kamerak, tripodeak, mikrofonoak, egokitzaileak eta askoz gehiago.


Gure liburutegiak eskolaz kanpoko jarduera ugari eskaintzen ditu, besteak beste, etxeko lanak egiteko klubak ikasle txikientzat asteazkenero eskola ondoren eta senior ikasleak ostegunero, baita astero Book Club ere. Earl andreak sortu zuen 2010ean, Book Clubek istorioekiko eta liburuen munduarekiko elkarrekiko maitasuna partekatu nahi du, jarduera atseginak asko ospatuz eta baita egileekin eta ipuin kontalariekin elkartuz ere Melbourne Writers Festival jaialdian eta Reading Matters Conference-n egiten ditugun ohiko bisitetan. Victoriako Estatuko Liburutegia.


Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge programa dibertigarri eta arrakastatsua eskaintzen dugu urtero, ikasleek lehiaketetan parte hartzeko eta zeremoniako bazkari berezira joateko, Challenge arrakastaz burutu duten ikasleak ospatzeko. Egileen bisita ugari eta ekitaldi bereziak antolatzen ditugu urtean zehar, besteak beste, Halloween ospakizuna, Liburuaren Asteko jarduerak eta Guraso irakasleei egindako elkarrizketak.






Our staff are dedicated to promoting digital literacy and to empowering students to become creative, curious and critical 21st century learners and thinkers. As well as being centrally located, our library is the heart of the school.


The Infiniti catalogue provides students and staff with the ability to search for books online as well as access to a curated collection of educational websites and Wheelers eBooks. Our extensive collection comprising fiction novels, non-fiction, quick reads and graphic novels is suitable for a range of reading levels and interests. The loan period is three weeks, although loans can be extended if required.


ClickView online enables teachers and students to access educational video content that has been created and aligned to the junior and senior curriculum as well as programs sourced from cable and free to air television. NewsBank is an online news database that provides a news archive as well as access to current editions of the Age and Herald-Sun.





The Library is a vibrant, inclusive and crucial part of the learning community at Taylors Lakes Secondary College.  Our vision is to foster an ongoing love of reading, to provide an attractive space that it is safe, nurturing and welcoming and to promote a stimulating environment that is supportive of learning. Our busy library provides an extensive range of print and digital resources that supports the learning and teaching goals of our school and regularly hosts events and library related activities.

The Library offers a variety of services such as such as laminating, binding, printing and computer use. We provide staff and students with a wide variety of multimedia equipment which include digital video and still cameras, tripods, microphones, adaptors and much more.


Our Library also provides a range of extracurricular activities including Homework Club for junior students every Wednesday after school and senior students every Thursday as well as a weekly Book Club. Established in 2010 by Ms Earl, Book Club seeks to share a mutual love of stories and the world of books, celebrating many enjoyable activities as well as meeting authors and storytellers on our regular visits to the Melbourne Writers Festival and the Reading Matters Conference at the State Library of Victoria.



We provide a fun and successful Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge programme every year where students are able to participate in competitions and attend a special ceremonial lunch to celebrate those students that have successfully completed the Challenge. We host a variety of author visits and special events over the course of the year including a Halloween celebration, Book week activities and Parent Teacher interviews.